
Is it possible to avoid wars in an anarchic world, described by the classical Realist thinkers? Thucydides said, “History is philosophy teaching by examples.” We can look to Thucydides, to affirm the argument, that war is unavoidable in an anarchic world. History has shown that that larger more powerful states have always sort dominance on the world stage. Thus, to maintain this power, they thwarted any perceived strengthening of a lessor power by going to war. Thucydides concludes that statesmen have “ little room to manoeuvre” when there is a perceived threat to their power, the Thucydides Trap and so the solution is often to be aggressive. This theory if further substantiated by the classical argument that diplomacy only exist between equal powers, so the idea of dialog with smaller state, to avoid conflict, simply was not entertained. Another important perspective is that of Niccolo Machiavelli. His book called “The Price” was written as a guide in political pragmatism. He stated that “war should be the only study of a prince.” Machiavelli believed that war was a constant and peace extraordinary. This he determined was because of jealousy, competition and a lack of compromise among the states. He went on to say that there was no moral obligation between states and that a Prince’s sole responsibly was to protect his state at all costs. Regarding relationships, Sir Thomas Hobbes says the most important relationship is between the individual and the state. This relationship fostered peace, economic development, and prosperity, the ideal state which one should jealously guard. He used the analogy of the Leviathan to underscore the strength a state should have. In conclusion the classical realist believed that the state, its security and sovereignty came first. It was to be expanded where it could but protected and maintained at all cost. There was no room for diplomacy, nor a need to be neighbourly. Conflict among states can only be solved by war. In our current day there is a surge of nationalism which could add further credence to the realist theory.


Suuragal ma tahay in laga fogaado dagaallada ka socda dunida fowdada, oo ay ku tilmaameen mufakiriintii Realist feker ahaan? Thucydides wuxuu yidhi, "Taariikhdu waa falsafad lagu barto tusaalooyinka." Waxaan eegi karnaa Thucydides, si aan u xaqiijino dooda, in dagaalka aan laga maarmi karin duni fowdo. Taariikhda ayaa muujisay in dawladaha waaweyn ee awoodda badan ay had iyo jeer ku kala sarreeyaan xukunka adduunka. Marka, si loo ilaaliyo awooddan, waxay fashiliyeen xoog kasta oo loo maleynayay inay ku xoogeysanayeen awood yar markii ay aadeen dagaalka. Thucydides wuxuu ku soo gunaanaday in rag dowladeed ay heystaan ​​“qol yar oo ay ku dhaqaaqaan” marka ay jirto khatar la dareemayo oo ku wajahan awoodooda, dabinka Thucydides sidaas darteedna xalka badanaa waa mid dagaal badan. Aragtidan haddii lagu sii caddeeyo doodda soo jireenka ah ee ah in diblomaasiyadda ay ka dhexeyso oo keliya awoodaha loo siman yahay, sidaas darteed fikradda wadahadal lala yeelanayo dowlad yar, si looga fogaado isku dhac, si fudud looma madadaalin. Aragti kale oo muhiim ah ayaa ah tan Niccolo Machiavelli. Buuggiisa loo yaqaan "Qiimaha" waxaa loo qoray hage hagitaanka siyaasadeed. Wuxuu yiri "dagaalku waa inuu noqdaa daraasadda kaliya ee amiir." Machiavelli wuxuu rumeysnaa in dagaalku uu ahaa mid joogto ah oo aan caadi ahayn. Tani wuxuu go'aansaday inay sabab u tahay maseyr, tartan iyo tanaasul la'aan ka dhex jirta dowlad goboleedyada. Isaga oo sii hadlaya ayuu yidhi in aanu jirin waajibaad akhlaaqeed oo u dhexeeya dawladaha iyo in Amiir kaligiis oo masuuliyadi ka saarantahay ay ahayd inuu ilaaliyo gobolkiisa wax kasta oo ay ku kacayso.Arimaha xiriirka, Sir Thomas Hobbes wuxuu leeyahay xiriirka ugu muhiimsan wuxuu ka dhaxeeyaa qofka iyo gobolka. Xiriirkani wuxuu kobciyay nabadda, horumarka dhaqaalaha, iyo barwaaqada, gobolka ugu habboon ee qofku u hinaaso inuu ilaaliyo. Wuxuu u adeegsaday isbarbardhigga Leviathan si uu u muujiyo awoodda ay dowlad leedahay. Gabagabadii aqoonyahankii qadiimiga ahaa wuxuu aaminsanaa in gobolka, amnigiisa iyo madaxbanaanidiisu ay ugu horeeyaan. Waxay ahayd in lagu balaadhiyo meeshuu kari karo laakiin la ilaaliyo lana ilaaliyo waxkasta oo kharash ah. Ma jirin meel diblomaasiyadda loo banneeyay, mana u baahnayn derisnimo. Khilaafka dowladaha waxaa lagu xallin karaa oo keliya dagaal. Maalmaheena maanta waxaa jira kor u kac wadaninimo oo ku biirin kara kalsooni dheeraad ah aragtida dhabta ah.

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